Is College Worth It?

Is College Worth It? The jury is still out. Colleges share incredible amounts of information but all of it available online. The important benefit is the ability to discuss, collaborate with and build relationships with peers.

According to Tucker Carlson – “Colleges barely teach, yet every year they increase their fees. Try that in a private business, you might get indicted for fraud. Do it at an American university and you get billions in taxpayer subsidies.”

Is College Worth It?

Lets Consider the following:

45 percent of students “did not demonstrate any significant improvement in learning” over the first two years of college.

40 percent didn’t learn anything at all over all four years.

35 percent reporting less than 5 hours a week in study time.

2.67 hours a day is all that is reported. Twice that time in shopping, eating, partying.

Most College Grads fall below average in Cognitive Tasks. (Such as calculating the costs of foods in a Grocery Store).

College Grads in the US test at or less than High School kids in several other Countries.

Top Universities are declining in their Academic Challenge

So what is the answer?

Online learning and proven business program for those who want to learn is one of the answers.

Many of these programs are streamlined and point you towards success.